Posted by: hemlock1981 | 11/01/2011

So I’m taking a new class.

American Sign Language.  It is more difficult than it looks.  I am taking on a new adventure and have chosen sign language.  I have always been fascinated by the language.  I have a vague memory of my first encounter with sign language.  I do not remember where I was, or exactly how old I was, but I was young.  I was at a play.  After the show, I encountered a person who spelled out the word “Hi.”  I did not understand at the time, but was intrigued nonetheless, and figured out what he meant.

Several years ago, my Mother took a sign language class.  She excelled and became very proficient.  She learned a lot about the deaf community as well as a new language.  This took my interest even more.  I figured I would pick it up sometime.  Well, ‘sometime’ is now.  I have some time, and the motivation.  I might as well try to start.

As an athlete, coordination is a necessary characteristic.  Being proficient in sports requires the use of the mind as well as the body in a fluid symbiosis.  The same is true of sign language.  Paying close attention to the speaker and not just the motion is an essential part of communicating.  While keeping what you want to say in mind, you have to move, correctly, at a pace which can be interpreted.

While it may sound easy, actually “speaking” with your hands is not as simple as it looks.  Well, I have only begun.  I am confident I will get better as time goes by, but while I am in the infant stages, it seems a bit more difficult.  Yes, small steps make progress.  I am only setting small goals with this endeavor.  Right now, I am forcing myself to sign the alphabet, at least, 20 times a day, and more when the thought comes to mind to do so:  every time I sit at my computer I see my note to sign, every time I see signs around here with improper grammar (tee hee), and the few free moments I have between tasks.

I wanted to learn something new.  I am trying a new language.  I hope I can get proficient at it enough to do something with it.  But for now, I will enjoy the challenge and the excitement of learning something new.  So until next time,



I will catch you on the flip side.



  1. A great idea! I took a few Auslan classes years ago…….still use it a little, even the dog understands some symbols:-) May your success be guaranteed.

    • Thanks. I understand. My dog knows some hand gestures as well. It is amazing what we can accomplish “visually.”

  2. That’s wonderful that you’re learning sign language! It’s going to open up a whole new world of communication for you! We used baby sign language in our household for a little while – my older son has Asperger Syndrome, and was VERY delayed in speech, so sign language helped him communicate his needs to us.

    • Indeed. I have never heard a negative thing about sign language. I am truly excited and hopefully anc use it for something other than just personal knowledge in the future!

  3. That’s wonderful! I’m excited to hear how it goes, I’m sure you’ll catch on quickly and do great. I took sign launguage classes in elementry school, but would love to take a class again as an adult.

    • I would say to pick it up again. It is amazing what you notice when you “shut off your ears” and look at the world around you and attempt to express what you are experiencing.

  4. Have a great time. I did…. and still sign to a lot of P&W songs. Seems to always pop in my head when I’m listening to music. Remember I even did the song “He’s My Son” in sign for class. Made everyone cry! Love you.

    • I will. I have been busy, but keeping up. Maybe we can have a “conversation” in the summer?!

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